Rewards Pool Details

Beginning when the first Hybrid Creature NFT is minted, 10% of all primary & secondary sales (in WAXP) from that point forward is sent to a special rewards wallet address (the “Rewards Pool”). This includes primary and secondary NFT sales from all seasons.

The Rewards Pool will be exclusively used to send payouts to Mythic Hybrid Holders. The Rewards Pool WAX Address is whn.q.c.wam.

Each month, 20% of the WAXP that is in the Rewards Pool will be used as a payout to Mythic holders. This is to ensure that there is some funding available monthly instead of starting at 0 each time, but the full amount of the Rewards Pool will remain available for future Profit Share payouts.

To participate, you must obtain a Mythic “Hybrid Creature” NFT at the end of any season (10 per season). See ROADMAP for Season 4 details.

As a Mythic Holder, you will be given a Role and access to a special “Hybrid Holder Discord Channel” and will receive airdropped rewards in addition to the available staking farms.

The available airdrop rewards for a 3 month period (which is 20% of the total Rewards Pool, in WAXP token) will be divided equally between all Mythic Hybrid Creatures.

In the future after the ConsumerBreak game relaunch, you may need to participate in an active monthly game to be eligible for the airdrop rewards.